I Distributed Association Flyers Tonight

You know, you may not believe in the need for an Association to represent us is very important. You may not believe we need an Association at all. But, I do. And I believe in such so strongly that I took to the streets of San Francisco this evening passing out flyers to Ride-Hail drivers.…

I Am Curious, Legal Association

I am a bit curious about the many Associations that have popped up for the Ride-Hail/RideShare Driver. How many of these Associations are actually Associations. I mean bonafide lawful Associations. In order for an Association to be legal it is necessary that it actually be registered as a business. Most Associations are Corporations that require…

Drivers, Let’s Stop This . . .

There is little more to be said about the Drivers being quite angry with Uber over lowered rates and reduced income. We get it, they get it, everyone but Travis Kalanick gets it. But, we may be doing irreparable harm to ourselves in our acts demonstrative of dissatisfaction with Uber. We as Uber Drivers have…

SB0294 Third Substitute Transportation Network Company Amendments

  SB0294 CHAPTER 51. TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANY REGISTRATION ACT This is absolutely ridiculous. This is Utah’s SB0294 that they just approved. Allow me to draw your attention to line #103. (c) receives, in exchange for providing a passenger a ride, compensation that exceeds the individual’s cost to provide the ride.   Do you understand that this means…

Uber and Lyft fail to convince judges their employees are ‘independent contractors’ – Business Insider

What does this mean for Uber & Lyft Drivers . . . ? Uber and Lyft fail to convince judges their employees are ‘independent contractors’ – Business Insider Absolutely Nothing! Say it Again! . . . Alright it does mean little. What the Judges have done is pass this to the Court for a trial…

California Bill Wants All Uber, Lyft Drivers to Undergo Drug Testing | The Fix

Why not create a necessary Bill instead? California Bill Wants All Uber, Lyft Drivers to Undergo Drug Testing | The Fix While this may not be a bad idea, I believe drug testing is quite costly and who would foot the bill for this testing is more the question than if the testing is necessary…

An Association Does Not Have To Be Adversarial . . .

An Association does not have to adversarial towards the Business that the represented workers are from. Actually, it is our hope that this Association not be adversarial towards anybody, but serve to better relations between workers and the companies they work with. This is one of the reasons we welcome Ride-Hail Riders into this Association.…

How Is A Driver Supposed To Live On This?

I know a Driver that took a trip to Cupertino and thought he was going to make money doing so. Boy, was he pissed when he did the math. He drove 2.5 hours, for a total of 87 miles and the fare for the trip was $88.00. After dropping his first rider off he received…

What Do The Following Headlines Have In Common?

‘It should be a free market’: Uber, Lyft pickups get OK at John Wayne Airport – The Orange County Register ‘It should be a free market’: Uber, Lyft pickups get OK at John Wayne Airport – The Orange County Register This article discusses the allowance of TNC’s to John Wayne Airport which means new regulations…