The Question, Is Uber a Scam?

Last night while browsing the Internet, I went into a facebook group site where the question, “Is Uber a Scam?” was asked. I read about 35 responses to the question and decided that I wanted to put my 2 cents into the topic. Is Uber a Scam? I wonder if Uber isn’t more a “Con”…

Uber CEO explains why he thinks fingerprinting drivers is ‘unjust’ – Jun. 23, 2016

Kalanick said the reason for not wanting to fingerprint was actually about justice for people who have been unfairly snared in the U.S. criminal justice system. By using other background check methods, Uber gives more people who have been arrested the opportunity to work as drivers. “Imagine a country where people might get arrested who…

Uber Driver Pay . . .

The following headline links to an article written by a Writer,  published by BUZZFEED. There is little that frustrates me more than the topic of driver pay for the Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) such as Uber and Lyft.  Uber Data And Leaked Docs Provide A Look At How Much Uber Drivers Make Uber data suggests that…

Is History Going To Record Kalanick . . .

I believe that Travis Kalanick and the Sharing/Gig Economy are going to do severe harm to the role of the American Worker. Actually, you can already see the harm caused to displaced workers, lost jobs, and those that dream of a good opportunity. It is hard to believe that Uber is nothing but a con…

Innovating Ancient Ride-Hail Regulation

The following link is to an article in the San Francisco Examiner of the same title that tries to suggest that regulation of the Transportation Network Companies (TNC’s) is a bad idea.  Allow me a moment of your time to explain to you why such regulation is absolutely necessary . . .   First…

Are you a Driver for a Transportation Network Company such as Uber or Lyft? If you are, you should join the US RIDE-HAIL DRIVER’S ASSOCIATION.  There is no reason to continue sitting in the shadows, waiting for the TNC’s to further exploit you and cost you money. Believe it, or not, you are one of…

Uber Needs An Association, Union, or Both!

Every large corporation that has a large amount of workers needs an Association or Union to represent the workers in adversarial and contract negotiations. It is simply a “must do” situation. There is no way that the Company can interact with so many workers individually, and the Company has declined discussion of contract renegotiation on…

Is A Strike By Uber Drivers Justified?

  If ever a need for worker unification exist, drivers that work with Uber is it. Uber has consistently lied to and exploited their drivers. Uber as a corporation has demonstrated a complete lack of ethics, manipulated government, and Uber’s long term plans may prove harmful to the US and may endanger the US Economy.…

It Is About Time That Someone Does Something About Uber!

Uber’s plans are the disruption of close to 20 million jobs nation-wide. Most of these jobs serve our major cities. What city in the United States is prepared to have 500,000 or even 100,000 unemployed seeking aid from our welfare services? Not a single city in the US is prepared for such. The Taxi, Limousine,…

Hold On Just A Minute . . . Let’s Be Truthful

The Toronto Sun this past Saturday ran an article in which some gal driving for Uber said that driving for Uber is a great job.  Well, maybe in Toronto driving for Uber is a great job. There are likely still places where driving for Uber is what it once used to be here, and there,…