Legal Criteria . . . Employee, Contractor , or Violation Of The Law?

Uber, and Lyft both have class-actions before the Courts presently that are stuck with the task of rendering a decision whether Uber and Lyft drivers are employees or Independent Contractors. I think the Courts are in error already because they are trying to determine if the workers are one or the other instead of a…

Do You Know Why Uber Needs Regulation?

Do you know why Uber and Ride-Hail needs regulation? Think back through the past 5 or 6 years. Travis Kalanick has violated damn near every law, manipulated more Government Officials than any criminal organization, and has lied repeatedly to anyone and everyone he has come into contact with. There’s a gent just filed a law…

Was Uber The Result Of Theft By Kalanick?

Some folks would not give this video a second glance, thinking this guy a “nut-case” trying to pull a scam. But, let me tell you folks . . . Uber’s Travis Kalanick is the first person I have ever heard of that is truly “ethically challenged” and each day brings forth additional evidence such to…

Uber CFO ‘because we can’ – Business Insider

Do you know why they can? Because we will not quit fucking around and unify to take it to them before they take it from us. Uber CFO ‘because we can’ – Business Insider One of the most frustrating things about working in the Ride-Hail Industry (TNC’s) is the lack of regard Uber and other…

California Man Sues Uber Claiming It Stole Ride-Sharing Idea | NDTV Gadgets

Oh no, tell me it isn’t true! Is Travis Kalanick a narcissist con-man and a thief too? California Man Sues Uber Claiming It Stole Ride-Sharing Idea | NDTV Gadgets The subject story brings a new player into Uber’s legal battles. A gent by the name of Kevin Halpern claims that Travis Kalanick stole the idea…

Please Write Your Congressman . . .

I suggest that it would serve all of us that drive for the ride-hail services benefit were we to write our local Congressman, that we believe there need be more regulation of the Independent Contractors position of employ as it is being abused. Although not included in the Fair Labor Standards Act, the FLSA itself…

Uber Intends To Never Allow Tipping or Regulation

Folks, you have to be in the game to see all the play. Do you think Uber is going to allow driver tipping when the pending class action Court cases come back saying that Uber should allow tipping? Uber is ahead of the game on this situation. Currently in almost every City/State in which we…

Are You Really Willing To Settle For This Shit?

Seriously folks, are you really willing to settle for the shit pay and unfair partnership that Uber is presently giving you?  If you are, you have very poor value of your own worth. Do you realize that the Drivers for the TNC’s have one primary thing in common? The drivers are the only true income…

Okay, This Is Important Folks . . .

I need some data about the TNC Auto Purchase/Lease Programs. I need this data because these programs are “shit” programs that can lead to the failure of the driver working for the TNC as well as serious financial loss to the drivers. I know this to be true because I am living it today. I…