It Is About Time That Someone Does Something About Uber!

Uber’s plans are the disruption of close to 20 million jobs nation-wide. Most of these jobs serve our major cities. What city in the United States is prepared to have 500,000 or even 100,000 unemployed seeking aid from our welfare services? Not a single city in the US is prepared for such. The Taxi, Limousine,…

Who Says Uber Does Not Control Driver’s Work Hours?

Uber claims that the drivers that work for them are Independent Contractors and not employees because the drivers can work when they want . . . There are folks that claim that drivers are free to work the hours of their choice and that Uber does not control the drivers work schedule. Right, really? What…

Uber’s Attempt To Silence Its Drivers May Have Just Backfired – Working In These Times

This is the future of employment for the American Worker . . . Uber’s Attempt To Silence Its Drivers May Have Just Backfired – Working In These Times People the work with, ride with, or invest in Uber need to read the subject article (link). The article gives a pretty good look at Uber’s contract/arbitration…

UberX, Your New Taxi Service

SO far as I know, nobody came to Uber to be a Taxi Driver. We all came to be part of a new transportation provider that was different. We cane to a new transportation provider that provided a far superior service at a lesser cost than a taxi service that took the time to cooperate…

Real Good Uber, Where’s The Money?

As you have probably heard, last week Uber cut rates in the San Francisco East Bay reducing the East Bay to $1.10 per mile. Well, I had a trip from the East Bay (Oakland) to San Francisco which paid me –$3.15 per hour, hooray . . . we’re in the money now. Look at the…

The End Of The American Worker . . .

Most people are unaware how far the American Worker has come in the last 50 years, but the reality of how much we are going to lose with this new “Sharing Economy” will be witnessed by us all. The Sharing Economy which is the business model of companies like Uber, Lyft, and SideCar sounded like…

Holy Horse Shit Travis, Can You Even Face Yourself In The Mirror?

Everybody knows that most if not all that is said by Uber is an absolute lie. I cannot think of a single statement made by Uber that has been truthful, but this one takes the cake: Uber has repeatedly reduced drivers rates since last year. The most recent being the Los Angeles area which he…

What’s It Like Driving For Uber? Mixed Emotions Of Hope And Sadness | Financial Samurai

There probably is less than 5 articles about Uber that I would consider recommending  people read, until now! What’s It Like Driving For Uber? Mixed Emotions Of Hope And Sadness | Financial Samurai This is one of the best articles written about being a driver with Uber for a while now. The last one that…

Uber fights back: Drivers want flexibility, not employment – San Francisco Chronicle

This was prepared as a response to the subject article but as I am not an active subscriber I was unable to post such response. So, here’s my two-cents folks! Uber fights back: Drivers want flexibility, not employment – San Francisco Chronicle The most relevant complaint about Uber and whether you are an employee or…

Bring On The Regulation

The new insurance requirements for TNC drivers working for Uber that went into effect July 1, 2015 are the beginning of regulation of the TNC Industry. I think we should embrace regulation and commit to study the effectiveness of the specific needs addressed. To do this would require that every TNC driver required to have…