Yo Travis, We Need To Talk!


I just got off the phone with Farmers Insurance regarding this new insurance coverage we are supposed to add today. My existing insurance is costing me right around $200.00 per month. To replace my current policy and add the TNC insurance coverage with a Farmers Policy it will cost me a $475.00 down-payment and $292.60 per month. In other words . . .$738.00 additional expense for 6 months.  HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO PAY FOR THIS WITH THE MEAGER INCOME UBER PAYS ME?

As I said, we need to talk. I understand that you have shit poor accounting and management practices eating up your operating capital. That does not surprise me much as that same accounting and managing has led me to financial failure also. But the both of us in the same situation, is indicative of the need to raise rates back up to ensure both Uber and the drivers earn enough to pay the bills and have enough to eat on once in a while. You also may want to consider reduction of the Uber internal employees salaries, including your own. Or, have you considered maybe asking Santander or Exeter Financial for a Business Loan? I hear they will give you a real good interest rate and discounts if you open a loan with them. You could be in worse shape. Like me, you could have listened to your lies only to end up getting “repo’d” and going “belly up” so that now I cannot buy a glass of water on credit.

So, let’s talk. RAISE THE DAMN RATES! This is a business! You are supposed to make a profit. This time why don’t you raise the rates so you receive part of your income from the consumer instead of taking it all from the drivers. Seriously, RAISE THE RATES! Unlike your theory that by reducing rider fares and driver rates will increase ridership thereby creating additional income for the drivers, which sucks by the way. Oh, you know that. That little economics exercise proved that Uber could screw the drivers by increasing drivers expense while increasing Uber income was a real  good plan. Since you started that shit plan, I have yet to receive any form of actual profit. You have impressed me.

This time let’s raise rates and fares in a more conventional way. This time, how about you charge the rider a fare that actually pays both the driver and Uber enough to keep both of us out of the red for once? Wait a moment! You know you got gobs of database data that you have use to demonstrate every damn one of your lies true. Don’t you have anybody that really knows how to read your data to tell you exactly what rates and fares are necessary to run this company in the black? I have a basic understanding of database theory, would you like my help. If I cannot resolve the necessary calculations for you based on your database data, I have a calculator on my cell phone and a scratch pad with pencil. I am sure I can figure it out for you. Of course if you eliminate all of those Database Administrators from the payroll that cannot tell you this information in a matter of minutes, that would  eliminate some un-necessary expense which would be beneficial for the company anyway.

In the interim Travis . . . How the hell am I supposed to pay for this additional insurance, which is actually your expense anyway. Yes, I know . . . Drivers are stupid. We accept any horseshit line you feed us as though it the right thing. Drivers are expected to provide their own personal insurance policy, Uber is expected to pay anything above that. This “gap” policy should be paid by Uber and not by the drivers. I guess this is the new regulation that Uber will have to confront. Now, new drivers will be expected to pony up close to $750.00 to drive for Uber. Good job Travis! Oh don’t worry, this is one of the first things to be addressed in my complaint presented to the Labor Commission.

36 thoughts on “Yo Travis, We Need To Talk!

  1. I can’t afford to drive for uber.
    My car is breaking down already
    I currently pay $400 a month for me and my daughter.
    I drive part time for extra income.
    But now with this insurance hike.
    I know it will go up.
    I am a single mother with 3 daughters.
    I don’t ask for help from anyone.
    I hold myself down. I’m not afraid to work 2-3 jobs. But this not working for me.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I also am going the way of slow financial destruction. This insurance add on will put me well into the red from start to finish. But I have to stick it out as little further.


      • Rich, since you are already driving a taxi, why don’t you actually drive a taxi? You seem like an intelligent individual; do you think that would change if you drove a taxi? Could you still be poite and professional, as you are now? I think so. Keep doing what you are doing, and you are feeding the beast that is going to eat you when driverless cars come along. The big money investors are betting on the day when Uber can eliminate their most expesive cost: YOU. Then they will make money, and you will be writing more letters that Travis will never read. Think man, THINK! Fortunately, water is still free, but for how long?


        • Travis may think he is going to eliminate the human driver, but I believe he is justifying the human driver on a daily basis. I do not care if the autonomous car comes along, innovation is a great thing. My concern is that he is destroying probably close to 15 million occupations and nothing is being prepared to retrain or integrate any of the people into the future. We simply do not do that to the American Worker so one group of assholes can get rich.


      • rich, I think I’ve changed my mind about your intelligence from my above comment. Which aspect of this company or its employees gives you cause to think or say how great of a company they could be? Their sexist attitudes? Their open disregard for laws? Their lying to the public AND their driver/partners about their insurance coverage? Their threats against journalists who write negatively about them, then demonstrating their desire to intimidate by following said journalists’ movements using their GODVIEW, and threatening to hire journalists to investigate and write negative articles on those journalists? Maybe you think because they maintain they do the most thourough background check of their drivers, yet don’t collect their fingerprints, which renders their background checks as effective as googling the name given, since that may not be the actual name. Maybe you admire how they continue to deny payments to the family who lost their young daughter and the mother and son have racked up over $1,000,000 million in medical bills that Uber continues to fight in court, leaving the general public to foot the bill for THEIR driver? Maybe it is the care they show for you by continuing to lower their fares to drive out taxis, their only competition, so they eliminate that competition so they can THEN CHARGE SURGE PRICES WHENEVER THEY LILIE. (damn caps lock…)
        Come on. man, your baseless hopes are blinding you. I feel for the single mom with three kids above who needs the flexibility of Uber, but folks with choice have to view them realistically rather than merely hoping for the best.


        • Do you not see that I am actually saying the same thing. Do you realize that had Kalanick of taken the path of taking responsibility for the direction of the company, created real jobs and maintained them as real jobs, cooperated with government and met required regulation, and made drib=ving for Uber what it started as, Uber would be a National Hero today instead of the bullshit it has become. Now, Uber is screwing the Nation and nobody will stand up to them. Somebody has got to put this stuff in check before Travis destroys the national economy and the American Worker.


  2. Not to mention that policy from farmers:

    1-DOES NOT cover you for when you have passengers in the vehicle (Just like Uber’s policy).

    2- Restricts the amount of time weekly you can use your own vehicle for a TNC

    3- IS NOT tax deductible as a business expense since the services provided are uninsured.

    Not so fun driving your own car into the ground for a quick buck now is it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Actually I have full coverage on my car and continued the full coverage, medical, towing, comp and collision for the quote. Only an idiot would buy insurance that does protect themselves and their equipment. I apologize, I so not mean that. Only a Politician would allow a policy that fails to protect all concerned be approved.


      • As I suspected, silence. I haven’t met an Uber driver yet who can meet the insurance challenge. WHen you dont tell your insurance provider and you wreck driving for Uber, guess what Uber’s first action will be. They will tell your insurance provider because they know YOU did not. This will ensure that Uber does not have to pay out from their own policy because it is a violation of YOUR contract with Uber. It also ensures that your own provider drops you then and there. Leaving you with the full expense of the accident and a violated policy agreement that will ensure your next insurance policy will cost you BIG TIME if you can even get one. It doesn’t matter how much insurance you have on your vehicle. not telling your provider that you are using your car for commercial purposes is a direct violation of your policy (just READ it for yourself). Uber is cutting costs by putting YOUR ass on the line for their incidentals. Not to mention you are defrauding people who do not lie to their insurance providers when their premiums go up because of liars like you. Of course maybe you didn’t lie but then that would mean you are so stupid that you couldn’t even read one paragraph in your Uber contract or ANY portion of your own vehicle’s insurance policy. So are you simply a huge moron or a huge liar?

        Liked by 1 person

        • As you should be able to ascertain by reading the subject article, it leaves me looking for insurance. And, as I have told numerous political people and government agency the TNC industry should require commercial insurance not this stupid “gap” crap that does not properly protect anybody but Uber. Now, man up and quit being a dick on my site. You want to talk, then talk, but shove your insults where the sun don’t shine, I do not have time for it and in case you cannot tell, cannot afford it.


      • I love the people who do zero research and think they know it all about Uber and insurance companies. Uber has an insurance policy that is different in every state. In NJ where I am, as of July 1st, Uber’s 1.5 million policy kicks in as soon as you accept a fare and on the way to pick up. While you are driving around before accepting a fare there is a smaller liability policy provided by Uber. Also there are a few insurance companies that do not care that you are driving for Uber. Now let me clarify, they don’t care as in they will not cancel your personal policy but if there is an accident while Ubering they will not cover the claim but Uber has insurance for that so yes there is coverage and your personal policy will not be cancelled. This goes for Allstate, Progressive and State Farm though State Farm has restrictions on how much Uber driving you can do but even they have admitted there really is no concrete way for them to know if a driver drives 100 miles or 1,000 miles of Uber. So to say you will be automatically cancelled does not apply to every insurance company and you definitely can get insurance again. Where did all this nonsense come about that you won’t get insurance and you will be blacklisted if your insurance company cancels you for “using your vehicle for commercial purposes” they just won’t cover the claim. Do some research before you spew inaccuracies. Oh and yes, Allstate knows I drive for Uber using my vehicle for commercial purposes and I still have a personal policy, so there ya go.


        • John, I am sorry. Had you of been following the conversation you would have noted that nobody was talking about Uber in jersey or anyplace other than California which is where the law being discussed is applicable. Now, when I raise a “Jersey” topic, I will make it a point to consult you to ensure I do not lack the necessary information regarding the topic. In the future, please read the topic before you decide to be insulting to myself or my readers. This association was formed to protect the interests of the drivers, join if you wish to put your two cents in insults to it.


      • if you want proof try getting something that’s not dated November 2014. Uber’s Insurance is now primary in NJ.

        New Jersey
        a. While logged onto the Uber application provided by Company and available to receive User requests, but prior to being matched with a User, Company provides primary automobile liability insurance in the amount of $50,000 for death and bodily injury per person, $100,000 for death and bodily injury per incident and $25,000 for property damage. This coverage is primary unless you maintain insurance designed for P2P or other commercial use while logged into the mobile application. In addition, during this period Company provides Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage in amounts of $15,000 for death, bodily injury per person, $30,000 for death and bodily injury per incident, and $5,000 for property damage. Company also provides Personal Injury Protection coverage in accordance with N.J. Stat. §39:6-4 et. seq.
        b. Beginning when a User request for transportation has been accepted within the Uber application and ending when the last requesting User departs from your vehicle, a trip is ended, or a trip is cancelled, whichever is later, Company provides primary automobile liability insurance in the amount of $1,500,000 for death, bodily injury and property damage. This coverage is primary and in addition to any insurance designed for commercial use you maintain. In addition, during this period Company provides Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage in the amount of $1,500,000 for death, bodily injury and property damage. If a driver holds personal Comprehensive and Collision coverage, then Company also maintains coverage for physical damage to the vehicle with a $1,000 deductible. Company also provides Pedestrian Personal Injury Protection coverage in accordance with N.J. Stat. §17:28-1.3


    • Rich, show me where is specifies anything about California. Why don’t you just ask Uber to pay for the difference in price when gas goes up, and the expenses to fix your car too? You seem to want the perks of driving when you want and being your own boss but want none of the expense. You have a choice, you don’t like it, don’t drive, its that simple. Uber driving isn’t the only job in the world.


      • John, frankly you are an idiot. Uber is supposed to pay when the gas goes up and enough to repair our cars and/or replace them as time goes on. You are a dumbass if you think it appropriate for you to expend your resources without adequate compensation. We bear all of the expense, ALL OF THE EXPENSE, and Uber fails to adequately compensate us, then dumps this inadequate insurance on us which is their expense not ours and we are expected to accept it. Commercial Insurance policy is the only way to guarantee insurance adequacy, but even our government is too negligent to require it. And John it is not that simple. Some people can witness wrong and walk away without giving it a second thought, I cannot.


      • Actually Rich now that you started name calling we can go there. You are a whiny little bitch that’s now crying because the expenses to pay for YOUR own business just went up. Welcome to the real world of business ownership. You are the dumbass that wants all the rewards and perks but doesn’t want to shell anything out and be treated like an hourly employee. State regulations are going to change everywhere as states figure out how to deal with rideshare and yea, that means you will have to pay out of pocket for your car including YOUR insurance and whatever other expenses the state will put into place. How is YOUR insurance on YOUR car Uber’s expense? Why would Uber pay YOUR insurance? You are using your personal vehicle for commercial purposes as an independent contractor and you don’t think you should bear any of the expense? With your logic, Uber should just pay your car payment too and any and all repairs, better yet, they should just give you a car to drive. You sound like all the rest of the whiny bitches that signed up knowing the deal and now want to act and be classified as employees. You work a 9-5 that you commute to every day and gas goes up do you get a raise for that? If your car breaks down because you commute 50 miles to work every and out all that wear and tear, is your Boss supposed to give you a raise? You are a moron that has no grasp on how having your own business works. Like my original post to your idiotic “Letter”, there is no gun to your head making you do anything, if I was Travis and I saw this I would laugh my ass off at this dope who isn’t forced to do anything but is staying, still driving, and taking what he perceives as abuse, so why would I have to change anything since YOU ARE STILL DRIVING….but you think I’m the idiot?? Laughable.


        • John, I apologize for calling you an idiot. Allow me to explain the transportation industry to you just a bit. Everywhere throughout transportation there are changes in costs which result in changes in charges to the consumer. Trucking has fuel prices go up a fuel surcharge is added to compensate the drivers expense. If it costs an additional dollar to ship a package someplace, the shipper passes this cost through to the consumer. With Uber this is different in one very different way. Uber decides they want to lower riders fares, and does so by reduction of driver rates to such a degree that drivers are now poverty level at best. During this same driver rate reduction Uber is able to realize an increase of up to 3 times as much in rider safety fees which are likely raking in about 3 million dollars per day. This same rider fee is supposed to be utilized for rider safety and insurance while drivers are being forced to by the insurance that Uber is supposed to provide. As of yet Uber has failed to provide adequate compensation for driver expenses and income. We are supposed to be our own small business but are not paid enough to even be in business. Nobody is asking anybody for a raise. We are all gearing up to have the Courts explain the realities of business to Mr. Kalanick who by the way knows every word I write long before you or anybody else following this blog. I am here because he hasn’t yet decided how to dispose of me cleanly and don’t you believe otherwise. I pose no real threat to him unless people like you give me the ability to continue response adding to the documentation on the Internet. Less than half a million followers, means I am basically unseen in this world, so I pose him no real threat at this time. My continuing research and documentation will prove invaluable to future legal actions against Uber and this shared economy, but there are thousands doing the same research, so again I am little threat. What you fail to realize is that this new shared economy may very well be the cause of the future failure of the US economy if it continues unchecked. Think of a future for your children . . . Where all the jobs they have available are jobs such as what Uber is offering today. You do have children, don’t you?


  3. If they raise the rates, more drivers will just come out to drive. There’s plenty of people who are dormant (like me) who stopped because they’ve decided it’s currently not worth it. I can imagine a rate hike increasing the amount of available drivers, which will likely equate into more competition for everybody, and ultimately result in no real increase in earnings per driver.


    • I agree with you. We actually need regulation to make this work to any advantage of the driver. Kalanick has reduced this gig to bullshit and even the government won’t step in to fix it.


  4. You could always drive a taxi. A real taxi that is. If something like Uber sounds too good to be true it probably is.


  5. You got just what you deserve for commting insurance fraud while decimating legitimate taxi drivers incomes. And hey, we now gave apos , too.


    • I did not destroy anybody’s jobs. The taxi industry turned their jobs to shit better than 20 years ago. The taxi industry is improving due to Uber and likely will flourish because of these improvements. The taxi industry should thank Kalanick for bringing them into the future. And, I have not defrauded anyone. Uber has, but I haven’t. I have friends that drive taxi, I also have friends that drive limos, are police. firemen, gas station attendants, ands son on and so forth. I do not sugar coat too much. The taxi industry needed fixed. Maybe they are on their way to being fixed, maybe they are not, but taxi drivers are far better at being taxi drivers than Uber drivers are and since Travis has reduced Uber to “just another taxi company” who do you think will win? Now, and for the record . . . I joined that site for intelligent conversation about the impact of the TNC’s on others, not to get beat down on my own site. If you want to bitch here, join the association to add your two cents

      Liked by 1 person

      • As a group your members have engaged in insurance fraud even tho you may be honest. In San Francisco we have taken pictures of several thousand Uberlyfts with their license plates and sent the pix to California’s insurance carriers. The man who runs the site told me that prosecutions for insurance fraud here are three times higher this year that in the past. So, yes, insurance fraud is being done. If you drive one of those cute little new model cars then you had best not have an accident in SF.


        • Alan Freberg I agree with you but you have to understand, we came to Uber believing their lies. A driver that starts today takes about 3 months to see the light. The TNC drivers are as difficult as the taxi drivers to organize to take any action and in case you haven’t noticed Uber has manipulated every aspect of government for cooperation. The biggest fraud is Uber claiming they had us covered as necessary with insurance in the first place. Now Uber is making us purchase this additional insurance when they are responsible for doing so. It is simply stupid that government allows this to continue, but I guess you get what you pay for and Uber must be paying well. It comes as no surprise that damn near everyone believes politicians were bought by Uber world wide and it makes us as a nation look like crap. I know you are asking why I am still here? It is simple . . . I have to hang around for the fat lady to sing before I go. Walking away would allow the game to continue without it being brought to the attention of others and sooner or later someone with heart will pick up the fight and stop this runaway freight train before it causes more damage than can be fixed. I believe the Taxi industry will be better from this, I really do. Travis has chosen to hire close to a million people nation wide that all talk poorly about Uber. If I could afford to organize half of that I would try to do something, not sure what but I would make the effort. Until then I am but one of a handful seeking to come out of this with the ability to recover our losses and move on . . . after the fat lady . . .


  6. Rich, well said. You seem to be a solid guy. But if you want to follow the piper he’s going to want his pay at some point and there’s no guarantee that he won’t lead you into a swamp. And these sub-prime loans? Same as the 08 bubble. There’s one born every minute. Best of luck to you.


    • I’ve already been to the swamp, even met the sub-prime guys. I have taken my loss and it continues to grow, but for the life of me I have to see justice prevail before I let this one go.


      • I’m with Alan Freburg: You sound like an intelligent, decent guy, and I like how you call out chumps for their inattentiveness to the topic. You are my kind of guy. Nonetheless, despite your intelligence and deep grasp of the history and current state of affairs, you hold out hope of some regulations to protect you. You clearly stated that they have manipulated at every opportunity. The regulations you hope for were in place to control the number of people driving the public for money, via taxicab medallions. Uber ignored them all, bribed their way past some, and lied about others. NOW you want them to man up and do right? Take your blinders off and assess your reality. THAT AIN’T HAPPENING. Also, you assert someting like, “That doesn’t happen here…” regarding destroying 15 million jobs and not retraining. WTF? Has all your focus been merely on Uber/TNC issues while ignoring the number of American firms shipping jobs overseas, having shell corporations to avoid paying their fair share of taxes, and political manipulations to further enrich the top 1% while weakening the middle class? Your continued participation in this race to the bottom, your continued willingness to accpet shit wages, only goes to prove to the greedy Travis’ and the VC vultures that this is an effective way to rake more money in. I appreciate your willingness to fight the good fight and I wish you success, but more than that I wish you’d see the inevitible outcome now instead of down the road. Good luck.


        • I’m sorry. I feel that although it easiest to walk away and just let the story come to a close without me, doing so would also remove me from the direct involvement that keeps me on top of the issues. That would add one more quiet voice to the collective of quiet. Were the drivers that no longer drive to still drive enough to talk with other drivers on the street instead of only via the Internet I believe our voice would increase significantly. I know, it is an either or situation, but I am participating the best way I know how. But, I am willing to accept assistance and participants from most any source.


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